Phone: 847-745-3744


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Laura Barringer

Welcome to Kindergarten! I am thrilled to be your child's teacher and I anticipate a year of learning and FUN! Kindergarten is a magical place as children develop considerable social, emotional, and academic skills. They learn how to be in school and what it means to be a student. It is my honor to teach some of our youngest Todd Hall students. My goal is to help each child feel safe and secure in our classroom and know how much he/she is valued.


This is my 25th year teaching at Todd Hall, and my fifth year teaching Kindergarten.


I hold the following degrees and certifications:

  • B.A. in Elementary Education from Wheaton College

  • M.A. in Gifted Education from Northeastern Illinois University

  • Certificate of Educational Leadership from DePaul University


Please contact me with any questions or concerns as the year progresses. 


Very warmly,

Laura Barringer