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This week was all about apples.  We learned how apples grow during each season and how they are now ready to be harvested during the fall.  The children had a chance to sponge paint some apples that are now hanging on the apple tree in the hallway.  They also cut up some paper apples to make an apple pie.  The highlight of the week was getting to taste some apples on Friday.  They tried red and green apples, and then we graphed our favorite. Some of the books we enjoyed this week were Fall Apple Fun, Ten Apples Up On Top, and The Apple Pie Tree.  Mrs. Gussis introduced us to the artist Cezanne.  He liked to paint still life paintings of apples because they reminded him of his friend.  The children then created a picture of apples in a bowl using crayons and watercolor paint.

For the next two weeks we will be talking about community helpers and the special tools they use.  We will include talking about fire safety as well.  

*If you are interested in helping at the classroom parties this year (Halloween, Winter, Valentine’s Day), the sign-up is now open.  Look at the Tuesday Newsday sent from the district for more information.

Curriculum Lessons and Topics:

Math: Our lessons focused on counting out objects to make a set.

Handwriting/Reading: This week we continued to work in our handwriting books.  We reviewed all the colors by completing pages for each color.  We also worked on placing letters right side up by using our special letter cards.

STEM: Mr. Edman helped us explore apples with some fun activities.  The children could use blocks and pom poms to build an apple tree.  They could also roll some apples down a ramp, like they do in a factory to make apple cider.  He had a balance scale to see if other items were heavier or lighter than an apple.

Important Dates and Upcoming Themes: 

  • Theme for the weeks of 10/7 and 10/14 - Community helpers and safety

  • Monday, October 14th and Tuesday, October 15th - NO SCHOOL

  • Thursday, October 17th - Pre-K Family Game Night

  • Theme for the week of 10/21 - Farms

  • Thursday, October 24th - Picture Retake Day