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Community Helpers

This week we began our two-week study of community helpers.  We focused on police officers and firefighters this week to go along with our class visits.  It was so fun getting to meet them both and see all the fire vehicles.  We learned about the tools they use and the special uniforms they wear.  We also learned about fire safety, including how to call 911 and what to do when the smoke alarm goes off.  You can check out the website for more information and games about fire safety.  We had our fire truck tent open this week and pretended to put out some fires with pretend hoses.  Next week we will be learning about veterinarians, doctors and mail carriers. 

*If you are interested in helping at the classroom parties this year (Halloween, Winter, Valentine’s Day), the sign-up is now open and will close on October 15th.  Look at the Tuesday Newsday sent from the district for more information.

Curriculum Lessons and Topics:

Math: This week we talked about the position words of before and after.  We also practiced writing the number 1.

Handwriting/Reading: This week we continued to work in our handwriting books.  We practiced making vertical and horizontal lines.  We also practiced writing our names and finding them around our classroom.

STEM: Mr. Edman talked about construction workers and how they help in our community by building bridges.  The children were then challenged to build a long bridge using only 2 cups and popsicle sticks.

Important Dates and Upcoming Themes: 

  • Theme for the week of 10/14 - Community helpers

  • Monday, October 14th and Tuesday, October 15th - NO SCHOOL

  • Thursday, October 17th - Pre-K Family Game Night

  • Theme for the week of 10/21 - Farms

  • Thursday, October 24th - Picture Retake Day