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All About Me!

This week our theme was ‘All About Me’.  We spent the week learning more about our friends and families.  Thank you for sending in the family pictures! The children loved sharing them, and they are enjoying looking at them on the wall.  We spent a lot of time this week working on a special book called My Book.  We will be working on them throughout the year.  Some of the books we enjoyed this week were It’s Okay to Be Different and The Family Book, both by Todd Parr.  Mrs. Gussis introduced us to the artist Picasso.  We looked at some of his famous paintings that focused on faces.  The children then created their own self-portraits out of shapes.

Next week we will be focusing on the theme of being thankful and turkeys.

Curriculum Lessons and Topics:

Math: This week we compared objects by size.  We also discussed more and less.

Handwriting/Reading: This week we focused on the letter E. We talked about words that begin with this sound, such as elephant and ear.  We learned how to write the letter and practiced making it with our wood pieces.  We also talked about what happened at the beginning, middle and end of a simple story.

STEM: Mr. Edman did a lesson on fingerprints since they are unique to each of us.

Important Dates and Upcoming Themes: 

  • Theme for the week of 11/18 - Being thankful
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences
    • Tuesday, November 19th
    • Thursday, November 21st
  • November 25-29 - NO SCHOOL for Thanksgiving Break
  • Theme for the week of 12/2 - Hibernation