- Lincolnwood School District 74
- Our Classroom
Fairy Tales
This week we enjoyed many popular fairy tales. We started the week by discussing the story elements that are found in fairy tales, including magic spells, kings, queens, princes and princesses, animals that act like humans, and heroes and villains. We read the stories of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood, The Princess and the Pea, and The Gingerbread Man. The children had many opportunities to act out and retell the stories using puppets and flannel boards. Mrs. Gussis introduced us to the artist Chihuly. He makes beautiful pieces out of blown glass. The children then created magic wands based on his colorful works of art.
Next week we will continue the theme of the Gingerbread Man by reading various versions of this classic tale.
Curriculum Lessons and Topics:
Math: This week we learned how to write the number 4. We also practiced combining objects to count the total as an introduction to addition.
Handwriting/Reading: This week we focused on the letter I. We talked about words that begin with this sound, such as insects and igloo. We learned how to write the letter and practiced making it on our small chalkboards. We also practiced retelling a story by using puppets and props, and making a personal connection to a text.
STEM: Mr. Edman joined in on our fairy tale theme as well. He read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children then tried to build a tall beanstalk and balance a golden egg.
Important Dates and Upcoming Themes:
- Theme for the week of 12/16 - Gingerbread Man
- Thursday, December 19 - Winter Party
- Friday, December 20 - Half Day
- AM students - NO SCHOOL
- PM students - Attend in the morning
December 23-January 3 - WINTER BREAK!