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Lincoln Hall 6th Grade Girls' Basketball Champions and Student Service Club, STAR, Recognized by Board of Education

At the regular Board of Education meeting on Feb. 1, Lincoln Hall principal Mark Atkinson recognized the 6th grade girls' basketball team, who went undefeated this season! Coaches Alexandria Gillespie and Jenna George recounted highlights from the season, including a nail-biting game versus Fairview, which went into overtime. Congratulations to players Elsa A., Tessa A., Hanna C., Eleni F., Leila H., Safiya K., Adriana M., Lisi O., Vivian R., Keira S., and Ela Z.; and managers Charlotte V., Liam A., and Jacob D. – Little 9 Champions!


At the same meeting, Principal Atkinson also recognized Lincoln Hall’s STAR (Students Taking Active Responsibility) Club. Club sponsors Michelle Lange and Annie Roeder shared some history of the club, now in its tenth year, and club members shared some of their favorite service projects. These included planting flowers around campus, packing bagged lunches for the homeless, and making blankets for animals at local shelters. See more photos of STAR Club in action, here.